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Revitalize Member

Weekly Virtual Group Energy Clearing and Healing

an energy purification to realign you with your true essence


Live Energetic Clearings Every Tuesday from 12:30-1:00 PM EST

We understand that life gets busy. Even if you can't make it to the live sessions, you'll have access to replays, ensuring you never miss out on the energetic support you need.

Welcome to Revitalize: Your sanctuary for inner peace.

Join our community, designed for empathic healers, therapists, caregivers, and leaders. Break free from the burdens of client, workspace, and home energies, and rediscover your true self with ease and vitality. Say goodbye to draining energies and welcome back your vibrant self effortlessly.

$59/ month

for 6 months


Live Sessions: Join us via Google Meet for weekly live sessions. Meeting links will be emailed 24 hours before each session. Can't make it live? Replays will be promptly emailed to you.


Membership Containers: Memberships are offered in 6-month containers, ensuring deep and lasting personal and collective transformation. Join anytime!

Group Energy Work: In group distant energy work, participants come together with shared intention to receive healing energy transmitted by the practitioner. Each participant benefits from the focused energy and intention of the group, regardless of their physical location. This collective energy amplifies the healing effects and promotes harmony and balance within each participant's energetic system.

The Details:

why you need weekly energy clearing and healing:


Consistent Emotional Release

Weekly sessions keep your emotional healing journey steady, releasing lingering emotional weight and promoting a lasting sense of emotional balance and peace.


Strengthened Spiritual Connection

Regular practice aligns you with your higher self, nature, and the universe, deepening your sense of purpose and spiritual awareness over time, enriching your life with profound meaning.


Ongoing Energy Balance

Life's challenges can create energy blockages. Weekly sessions clear these blocks, maintaining your energy in a balanced, positive state crucial for overall well-being and vitality.


Regular Stress Relief

Life can be stressful, and having a consistent outlet is crucial. Shamanic healing sessions provide a reliable space to unwind, relax, and reduce anxiety every week, fostering lasting inner peace and mental clarity.


Physical Healing

While it shouldn’t replace medical treatment, shamanic energy healing can complement it. By addressing the spiritual and energetic causes of physical issues, it can support and enhance your body’s natural healing processes.


Personal Growth and Insight

Weekly sessions offer continuous opportunities for deep personal growth and self-discovery. Gain profound insights, uncover hidden patterns, and ignite positive changes toward a more fulfilling, empowered life.

Are You Ready?

Join our community today and start your journey to inner peace and alignment.

If you need a deep dive into your energy system for personalized healing, we suggest booking a RELEASE session before joining, especially if you're dealing with deep trauma and require 1:1 support.

 If you're interested in 1:1 or in-person group Revitalize sessions, please visit our Events page or Services for more options.

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