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Ways to Work With Us


We are honored to be considered as part of your spiritual journey. Whether you are looking for deep change and transformation or to live more fully as your true self, there are a variety of ways we can work together. Explore the ways in which we can tap into your energy below, and find which feels right.


This three- month package is a curated approach to your wellness, utilizing our full breadth of shamanic practices to enrich your physical, mental and spiritual life, providing you with a tailored program of spiritual support for a total transformation. Includes 60-minute weekly sessions, aligning you with your highest self every step of the way.

Your monthly retreat with four 1:1 30-minute sessions. Designed for healers and professionals navigating intense energies, each session offers a tailored cleanse for your energy system, bringing deep relaxation to your mind and body, realigning you with your true essence. This exclusive haven leaves you aligned with your true essence- completely relaxed and at peace. Let us handle the revitalization, ensuring you can unwind and recharge effortlessly.

A guided journey dedicated to hone in on your unique intuitive style. In this 60-minute immersive experience, unlock the full potential of your spiritual gifts. Transform them into practical tools, bringing newfound meaning and purpose to your life. Together, we not only understand your gifts but also channel them into impactful use in the world and your everyday life. 

A full shamanic healing and ceremony that provides you with a sense of balance, emotional well-being and self-awareness. During this 90-minute session, we will create a sacred space for you to reconnect with your inner self, gain clarity on your purpose and explore parts of yourself that need healing. Available in-person, virtually or fully remote.

A sound journey for spiritually curious individuals seeking peace, relaxation and clarity. Includes a 45-minute restorative session with the sacred sounds of singing bowls, shamanic drumming and meditation music. Different than our full healings in which we enter your energy field, this  session is an intuitively-guided meditation in which you journey within to connect to your true self, like a massage for your soul.

A short energy tune-up to help existing RELEASE clients stay in alignment between sessions. Includes one 30-minute remote session where we use a variety of tools like meditation, crystals and oracle cards to tap into your emotional well-being and provide you with written guidance to lean into until your next session.

Still unsure which might be right for you? See our FAQ.

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