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Our Services

  • Personalized shamanic healing and ceremony.

    1 hr 30 min

    200 US dollars
  • Personalized shamanic healing and ceremony: via Google Meet.

    1 hr 30 min

    200 US dollars
  • Personalized shamanic healing and ceremony: no contact, via email.

    1 hr 30 min

    200 US dollars
  • An energy tune-up to bridge the gap between deep healings.

    30 min

    88 US dollars
  • Sound journey and intuitively-guided meditation experience.

    45 min

    75 US dollars
  • Intuitive development to evolve your inherent spiritual gifts.

    1 hr 15 min

    150 US dollars
  • Let us clear your energy 1:1 with this three-month membership.

    30 min

  • Tailored weekly sessions propelling you to your highest self.

    1 hr

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